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threeboard user manual

This document explains all of the user functionality of the threeboard. See the examples section at the bottom of this document for usage examples.


The threeboard uses three keys to select keycodes to send over USB, and also provides three programmable layers to store and retrieve key combinations. The state of the keyboard is visualised using the 22 onboard LED lights, and can only be modified using the three keys. The image below highlights the different features of the device:

  1. 3 LEDs indicating the currently selected keyboard layer (R, G and B).
  2. 3 status LEDs for indicating operating status of the threeboard (PROG, STATUS and ERR)
  3. Bank0, a binary byte display of 8 LEDs. Used for displaying layer-specific information (e.g. displaying the USB keycode)
  4. Bank1, another binary byte display with 8 LEDs. Used for displaying a different byte of layer-specific information (e.g. displaying the USB modifier code).
  5. Mechanical key X.
  6. Mechanical key Y.
  7. Mechanical key Z.

Layers and modes

The user-facing functionality is split into layers. A layer changes the functionality of each key on the threeboard, similar to a shift or function key on a traditional keyboard. The threeboard has four different layers: a default DFLT layer, and three programmable layers:

The three programmable layers each have two modes: DFLT and PROG:

Each layer and mode defines its own actions based on the input keypresses. Since there are many possible states, the full mapping of layers, modes, key combinations and actions is quite large, and is defined in the threeboard usage table section below. However most layers share some common actions for some keypresses:

Brief examples of scenarios in each layer and mode configuration are visualised below:

DFLT layer

In the DFLT layer, the byte in bank 0 represents the raw USB keycode value to be sent to the host computer, and bank 1 represents the USB modifier code. This layer has no PROG mode.

Layer R - The character shortcut layer

Layer R is used for character reprogramming, which allows re-assigning a value of bank 0 to a different USB keycode than it represents in the DFLT layer. When this layer is being used in DFLT mode, bank 0 is used to identify the shortcut ID, and bank 1 is used as it is in the DFLT layer, to specify the USB modifier code.

In PROG mode, the current shortcut value at the specified shortcut ID is displayed in bank 0. The shortcut ID is instead displayed in bank 0.

Layer G - The word shortcut layer

Layer G is used for word shortcut programming. Words up to 15 characters long can be stored per shortcut ID, and modifier codes are used to apply USB modifier codes to the word shortcut (such as capitalizing the first letter). In DFLT mode, bank 1 is split into two 4-bit indicators to display two different values; the 4 high bits are used to display the length of the current shortcut, and the 4 low bits display the word modification code. Word modification codes cause the following modifications:

In PROG mode, the current USB keycode to be appended to the word shortcut is displayed in bank 0. The 4 high bits of bank 1 continues to display the length of the word shortcut, but the 4 low bits are unused and always set to 0.

Layer B - The blob shortcut layer

Layer B allows for freeform blob shortcut programming. Blobs of up to 255 keycode and modcode pairs can be stored. In DFLT mode, bank 0 displays the current shortcut ID, and bank 1 displays the length of the shortcut stored there.

In PROG mode, bank 0 displays the USB keycode being programmed, and bank 1 displays the modcode.

Usage table

This table defines the full list of key combinations and their associated actions on each layer:


This section contains a list of verbose examples to help understand how the key combinations can be used in practice.

DFLT layer

Typing Hello from the DFLT layer:

  1. Enter the DFLT layer. This is the layer the threeboard boots into, identified by none of the R, G or B LEDs being lit.
  2. Select the h keycode in Bank 0 by pressing key X 11 times.
  3. Set the shift modcode (to capitalise h) in Bank 1 by pressing key Y twice.
  4. Send H to the computer over USB by pressing Z.
  5. Reset Bank 0 by pressing XZ, and reset Bank 1 by pressing YZ.
  6. Select e in Bank 0 by pressing X 8 times, then send it by pressing Z.
  7. Select l in Bank 0 by pressing X an additional 7 times.
  8. Send l over USB twice by pressing Z twice.
  9. Select o by pressing X another 3 times, and send it by pressing Z.

Layer R

Programming a, b, and c into shortcuts 0, 1 and 2 of layer R:

  1. Enter layer R by pressing XYZ from the DFLT layer. The R LED should now be lit.
  2. Enter PROG mode by pressing XY, the PROG LED should light up.
  3. Set shortcut 0 to a by pressing X 4 times.
  4. Switch to shortcut 1 by pressing Y.
  5. Set shortcut 1 to b by pressing X 5 times.
  6. Switch to shortcut 2 by pressing Y.
  7. Set shortcut 2 to c by pressing X 6 times.

Layer G

Programming hello into shortcut 0 of layer G:

  1. Enter layer G by pressing XYZ twice from the DFLT layer. The G LED should be lit now.
  2. Enter PROG mode by pressing XY.
  3. Select the h keycode in Bank 0 by pressing key X 11 times.
  4. Append h to shortcut 0 by pressing Z.
  5. Clear Bank 0 by pressing XZ.
  6. Select e in Bank 0 by pressing X 8 times, and append it to shortcut 0 by pressing Z.
  7. Press X another 7 times to select l, and append it twice to shortcut 0 by pressing Z twice.
  8. Select o by pressing X an additional 3 times, and append it by pressing Z.

Send Hello over USB from stored hello in shortcut 0:

  1. Enter layer G, shortcut 0.
  2. Select the ‘uppercase’ modcode, indicated by a value of 1 in Bank 1, by pressing Y.
  3. Press Z to send Hello (with first letter capitalised) over USB.

Layer B

Programming Hi! into shortcut 0 of layer B:

  1. Enter layer B by pressing XYZ three times from the DFLT layer, lighting the B LED.
  2. Enter PROG mode by pressing XY.
  3. Append H to shortcut 0 by setting Bank 0 to h (pressing X 11 times) and Bank 1 to shift (pressing Y twice), and append by pressing Z.
  4. Clear Bank 1 by pressing YZ.
  5. Select i in Bank 0 by pressing X, and append it to shortcut 0 by pressing Z.
  6. Select 1 in Bank 0 by pressing X another 18 times.
  7. Set Bank 1 to shift (pressing Y twice), and append by pressing Z.